Maiden City are proud partners with Lisneal College
Here at Maiden City Soccer we are thankful for the collaboration we have with Lisneal College as we are located within the college’s premises and sports grounds. This generosity has been significant for the success we’ve had as an academy thus far. By working closely with Lisneal College we aim to adopt a strong and supportive environment for the local community by providing students, academy members and local children with sporting services. This partnership enables us to implement our community programs and help promote this collective identity.
At Maiden City we proudly uphold and integrate the college’s core values and apply these to our academy.

Lisneal College is a co-educational, all ability post primary school serving pupils between the ages of 11 and 18. Lisneal College aims to be a caring, progressive and pupil centred school focusing on developing and nurturing excellent relationship with the local and wider community. We are an inclusive school and we aim to ensure that every young person is provided with the highest standard of education available. We have high expectations of our pupils and the Lisneal College teaching and non-teaching staff are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching experiences for every child.
It is our strong belief that young people achieve success when they are happy, supported and challenged to be the best that they can be. We aim to provide a combination of excellent pastoral care, a relevant and inclusive curriculum, superb special educational needs provision and high quality teaching and learning to ensure that each young person who attends Lisneal College is provided with the opportunity to achieve his or her best. At Lisneal College we understand that every child is unique and we will strive to provide the challenge, care and support to help all of our pupils reach their potential.